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October 2024


October did not start off great. At this point in the year it seems like everyone is tired and barely hanging on. That's where I'm at for sure. A lot of learning is crammed into one year and after a while it feels like my brain can't hold anymore. Things are looking up though. Our clinical rotation schedules were handed out this month which reignited a small flame within me. There is once more a light at the end of the tunnel. There isn't much to say about classes or exams. We had them, some were better than others, the end. The rotation schedule is the big highlight of the month so let's get into it.

Clinical Rotations

I think it was some time in September when Justin (Clinical Coordinator) sent out the survey where we could submit our preferences for rotations. Mid-October is when we received our schedules and had to go to orientation. Orientation is pretty short and sweet and there was free food which I always appreciate. At WVU there are two "tracks" that you can be on for rotations. Both tracks are customizable to an extent so if you really don't want to do months and months of autopsy, they will take that into consideration. I will name the two tracks "Pittsburgh" and "Not Pittsburgh." As the names imply, one set of rotations takes you through hospitals in Pittsburgh and the surrounding area while the second track takes you anywhere except Pittsburgh. New rotation sites are added every year and some are taken away for any number of reasons. I've made some fictional examples of schedules below based on current sites:

Example of Pittsburgh rotation schedule: Example of Not Pittsburgh rotation schedule:

Allegheny General Hospital WVU - Ruby Memorial Hospital

UPMC Children's Marietta Memorial Hospital (Ohio)

UPMC Presbyterian - Hospital Autopsy Johnson County ME (Missouri)

UPMC Presbyterian - Surgical WVU - Martinsburg

Excela WVU - Bridgeport

Westmoreland ME Charleston Area Medical Center (WV)

UPMC Shadyside Mercy Health, St. Elizabeth (Ohio)

Originally, I wanted the Not Pittsburgh track and was disappointed to find out I was on the Pittsburgh track. After about two days of being bummed about it I realized I would actually enjoy the Pittsburgh track more. I could have an apartment with all my own stuff and my turtle. I could get a job. I could get a membership to a nice gym instead of a large chain. I could bike to the hospitals. Basically, I could have a relatively normal life. Some people will absolutely love traveling around in their second year but I am not one of those people.

Less than a week after schedules came out I drove to Pittsburgh to sign a lease on an apartment, find a gym, and check out the commuting/parking situation at a few of my sites. A group of classmates are renting a house together to cut down on costs since big cities are expensive but for only $100 extra per month I get to live alone. My classmates are wonderful but I don't enjoy living with other people. They either clean too much or not enough or they grind coffee beans at 6 am or they spend 2 hours doing meal prep (that's me) so no one else can use the kitchen. I'm sure other people manage those annoyances better than I do but I simply can't do it.

Now, I know this is not a travel blog, but school is not my entire life and it shouldn't be yours either. I did some really fun things in October and will talk about them because I can.

New River Gorge National Park

I have been waiting all year to visit this place. As West Virginia's only national park it has been a top priority. I waited until now to go because I was told the leaves were beautiful in the fall. They absolutely were beautiful. I woke up at 4 a.m. to get there at sunrise and stayed until sunset. Even then there was no way to get to it all. For hiking alone it has over 100 miles of trails of which I only managed to complete about 12. The major attractions for hiking are Grandview and the New River Gorge Bridge. I took the Long Point trail out to the distant view of the bridge and thought it was mid. The view from the Canyon Rim Visitor Center is better an requires less effort. The part I enjoyed the most was not the big, sweeping, panoramic views of beautiful foliage but the abandoned coal mining town of Nuttallburg. The town itself is mostly ruins but the drive down there was stunning. The road to Nuttallburg is less of a road and more of a long, dangerous driveway. It's the kind of road that a character in a horror movie would accidentally turn onto shortly before their car breaks down and they lose reception. It was about 9 miles down into the gorge and every part of it was gorgeous. It is a bit far from Morgantown at about 3 hours but it was so great that I plan on driving 4 and half hours from Pittsburgh next year to see even more of it. It has great areas for rock climbing and bouldering and I want to try white water rafting in the summer. This park is an absolute must-see.

Left top and bottom: View from Canyon Rim Visitor Center

Right top: Taken on road to Nuttallburg

Right bottom: Grandview Main Outlook

Cedar Point Halloweekends

As a roller coaster enthusiast, I have always wanted to go to Cedar Point but have never made the time. With the park less than four hours away I decided now was the time. Two of my dear friends from Iowa met me there and it was a blast. We did most of the haunted attractions and some of the coasters. We plan to return next year to finish off the things we missed. The best part of the day was really just talking to people that weren't a PA student or coworker or gym bro. This is my PSA to stay in touch with old friends or make new friends that have nothing to do with school or work. It is so refreshing to get out of that sphere and forget it exists for a day. If you are a fan of spooks and coasters and not from the region, I would recommend a trip up here. It is a little pricey (gas, food, tickets) but worth it if you have a group to go with.

Left: Me, giving my stamp of approval Right: Last photo taken before I died of fear



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