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April 2024


The end is nigh. Thank goodness. Technically our last exam will be May 1st but I'm calling April the end of the first semester. It has been an absolutely brutal month with regularly scheduled exams on top of finals looming in the not-so-distant future. Despite the onslaught of exams, April started off with a bang for me. Our first AT lab of the month was for kidneys. Sam Pan, PA/Autopsy Director had a wonderful surprise for us, a polycystic kidney! When asked who would like to bivalve it the class remained silent so I said sign me up. I've attached the video below and a picture of a different kidney since the video doesn't show the cysts up close. You can see the fluid squirting out the sides though. I particularly enjoyed poking the intact cysts. They're like one of those stress or fidget toys.

Video courtesy of Sam Pan, PA (ASCP)

That kidney was the end of the fun for the month. In total, I made 3,188 flashcards for this semester. Other people likely made thousands more. Ryan made 0. With several cumulative finals, I was stuck looking at my Quizlet decks wishing I had chosen Ryan's method of study. The class I was most worried about was Intro to Disease Mechs. It covers the first half of the Robbins textbook which is, in my opinion, too frickin much. That book is denser than neutronium. The only saving grace is that it bolds a lot of important things and has pictures to break up the walls of text. I decided to spend most of my time studying on campus. I find it easier to stay on task there. Plus they have hammocks where I befriended a little fellow. He came back all the days I was out there to keep me company on my endless scroll through Quizlet.

Lillian's End of Semester Course Review

  • Intro to Disease Mechs: Made my brain hurt but sometimes it was the good hurt 3/5

  • Anatomical Pathology Techniques: Got to cut that wonderful kidney 5/5

  • Histology: Pretty fun and a super chill class. Minus points for microtomy being so hard 4/5

  • Anatomy: It was anatomy 4/5



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